COVID Vaccine: Safe, Free, and the Right Choice for Your Family


In spring 2021, a large number of immigrants in the U.S. who would otherwise have been vaccinated for COVID-19 remained unvaccinated due to fears that it would affect their immigration status and they didn’t know how data collected when they were vaccinated might be used by the government. That fear was legitimized by Trump policy that did use government lists and hand them over to ICE to track down and deport immigrants. Immigrants were also kept from benefiting from public government services under Trump, so many assumed the same would be true with the COVID vaccine. But Biden ended that Trump policy and in fact, getting a vaccine now has no impact on an individual’s immigration status and under HIPPA their information would not be shared with any government bodies. We needed to figure out how to get the word out to immigrants that they can get vaccinated.


Variant Strategies partnered with Protecting Immigrant Families, a coalition of over 500
immigrant justice organizations, to create a video in
3 lengths (30 seconds, 60 seconds and 2 minutes and 30 seconds) and 9 languages (English, Spanish, French, Haitian Creole, Korean, Vietnamese,
Mandarin, Arabic and Tagalog) to get the word out
that getting the COVID vaccine would have no impact on their immigration status and was the best thing they could do for themselves and their communities.

Directed and produced by Variant Strategies for Protecting Immigrant Families. Illustrated by Fluor Films.


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